This blog is where I share with you all my quilting and sewing progress. I love English Paper Piecing and hand quilting but also enjoy making small items like pincushions and throw cushions. Please leave your comments and let me know you've dropped by.

Also, please feel free to have a look at my new cycling blog. This is a new hobby for me so there will probably be some fun and falling on the way!! Click on the pic at left hand side.

My New Knitting Blog

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Learning Something New All The Time

I've just found out how to use a personal photograph as a blog header, so I have used one of the original photos of the stripey shoes and Gutermann threads as a header for my own blog. I like it. How about you?


  1. Really Really cute

  2. Love the antique quilt with the modern shoes. The real question is...will you wear them?

  3. I'd never wear the shoes in a million years!! But I'd wear something sewn with Gutermann thread!!

  4. Great blog header photo! Thanks for your visits and comments on my blog.

  5. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am not a traditional quilter, but do admire those that are. Love your photos. You must live in a beautiful place.
